Living by Divine Law

It takes a very strong and courageous person
to walk away from the old way of being
away from what others believe in
away from what you’ve been taught
away from what you’ve believed in all your life
away from the habitual way of living
into the unknown. . .

It takes a strong and courageous person
to lead the way
aligned with your Inner Being
trusting your Divine Wisdom
that’s aligned with your GodSelf
rather than the subservient human
who has been blindly following the pack.

You are living via Divine Law
rather than the laws of man, which are transient
You are in alignment with All-That-Is
This is your Knowing…. This is your passion.
Take a deep breath and renew yourself
with the Breath of Source, the strength of Source.
Breathe deeply… and forge ahead.
~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“message from my inner wisdom”

gratitude to the artist Jim Warren


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Posted in Alignment, Courage, Expanded Consciousness, Freedom, I AM, Inner Being, Self Knowing, Source.

Sharon Lyn Shepard is a modern day mystic and visionary. Her mystical writings and music open our hearts, transcend our minds, expand our consciousness and awaken our innate divinity to enjoy the fullness of life with ease and grace.

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