Mother Earth is expanding
day by day
her belly is
outgrowing her clothes
her crystalline core
is vibrating outward
sending shivers
of glorious light.
If a woman were in labor
in the process of birthing
how would you
ease her pain?
I would trust
that she knows
just what she’s doing
I would
rub her belly
breath deeply with her heartbeat
and sing sweet lullabies
to soother her.
That’s what I do
with our Mother Earth
as she labors
to provide a new home
for all her inhabitants
who honor her name
as she brings forth
this glorious birth.
We are all
day by day
outgrowing our
tattered old clothes.
Just as I trust Mother Earth
I trust the innate intelligence of my body
rubbing my belly
breathing deeply
and singing sweet lullabies
to soothe.
~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @
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