The Sovereign being
passes through the eye of the needle
naked, alone, in serenity and simplicity,
having left everything of the old behind
after surrendering it all to their GodSelf.
‘Tis a quiet passage lingering in the void
as one acclimates and orients
to the expansion of consciousness,
drifting in multidimensionality,
free of time and space.
And with divine timing,
although the landscape has changed,
all that you held dear and left behind
returns transformed by the power of your Love
and Alas!!! The magic begins….
Nothing was lost,
everything gained,
as you dream your new life into being
perfectly aligned with with All-That-Is
in a playground of joyous creation.
As a Sovereign being,
with a fully open heart,
you glance back at the eye of the needle
and bow in gratitude to your human self
for the courage to step on through.
~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @
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