What if . . .
instead of giving birth, we are the ones being birthed.
What if . . .
instead of going through the birthing pains,
we are in the womb floating in the embryonic fluid
being fed and nurtured by the Mother.
What if . . .
the birthing pains have subsided
because we have already given birth
to the new world into which we shall be emerging.
What if . . .
everything we have ever desired
is patiently awaiting our birth
in this new world of infinite miracles.
Would you induce your labor to hurry the process?
Or . . . would you relax into the Mother
allowing yourself to be fed and nurtured
as every cell thrives in this perfect environment
until fully vibrant as your crystalline LightBody?
~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @
Gratitude to the unknown artist
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