My life is one of Ease and Grace
no one is bestowing that upon me
it is thusly so because
I choose it to be.
The angst of the past
has always been because
I was analyzing, resisting,
or attempting to change it.
For me,
the fight is over
with nothing to fight against
nothing to fight for.
I am the one creating this life
no longer resisting things
simply flowing with life
as it presents itself.
Any inclination to interfere
is based on the past, not the present,
I know everything and every person
is evolving in this moment.
I can look at others
and bless them,
truly bless them on their journey
without the need to interfere.
My life flows with ease and grace
and I attract the sweetness of life
this is the life I choose to live.
~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“message from my inner wisdom”
gratitude to the artist Michael Parkes
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