Transcending Duality

Humanity has been living
within the concept of duality
for thousands of years.

Our human aspect asks. . .
How can you know light
without darkness?
How can you know love
without fear?
How can you know peace
without chaos?

But when we approach life
from the aspect of our Soul
duality becomes non existent
for the Soul does not judge
light nor dark
right nor wrong
better nor worse

The Soul sees all of life
as simply experience
for the pure joy of it

Living consciously
as the Soul
allows us to enjoy life
no longer fettered
with the pain and suffering
required by duality.

Instead we experience life
free and alive in the moment
with the ability to choose
from infinite potentials
with all the beauty and joy
life has to offer.
~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Posted in All-That-Is, Allowing, Awakening, Clarity, Commitment, Creation, Creator, Ease and Grace, Enlightenment, Evolution, Expanded Consciousness, Experience, Freedom, Here and Now, Joy, Potentials, Reality, Realization, Serenity, Transformation, Well-being, Wholeness.

Sharon Lyn Shepard is a modern day mystic and visionary. Her mystical writings and music open our hearts, transcend our minds, expand our consciousness and awaken our innate divinity to enjoy the fullness of life with ease and grace.

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