Enjoy the Bounty

Life is always in motion
you can either
put on your dance shoes
and cha~cha with it
or sit out the dance
and enjoy observing
the beauty of it.

One is no more right than the other.

What matters most
is that you are fully present
in the moment
rather than allowing yourself
to be unconsciously
pulled along with the masses
nor the spiritual groups.

Allow yourself to
enjoy the bounty
of this precious moment
for you will never
have the opportunity
to experience it again.


~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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My Reality

I love that we can be
anywhere we choose
and sensually enjoy
every morsel of life
from right here
in this moment.

There are worlds
upon worlds
to be explored
from within
our own imagination.

One is no more real
then the other.
All are as real
and sensual
as we choose
to make them.

These realities
are our new creations
just as we choose them to be!!

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“message from my inner wisdom”
gratitude to the artist Josephine Wall

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Resurrecting the memories of Easter

Resurrecting the memories of Easter . . .

I awakened with the song,
“Christ the lord is risen today”
as a child in the choir
standing upon the hillside
overlooking the graveyard
waiting for the illustrious sunrise.

This morning I’m hearing this song
from a whole new awareness
as it reverberates within me.

I feel the Christ within me
rising above the limitations
of the human mind,

I feel the Christ within me
rising above the religious dogma
of power and control,

I feel the Christ consciousness
within everyone of my cells
vibrating with health and vitality

I feel the Resurrection
the re-surgence
of Christ Consciousness
as a sovereign being
as Who I Am.

Indeed. . .
Christ the Lord has Risen Today!!!
within me
within you
within All of us
for it is Who We Are.
~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“message from my inner wisdom”

gratitude to the artist Michael Bender

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True to Who I Am

Who am I?

The one acting out
a persona projected upon me
by those around me.

The one playing the part
to maintain the status quo
to make others comfortable.

The one creating stories
to validate who I think
I should be.

The one fabricating excuses
when a simple “no thank you”
will do.

or . . .

Am I courageous enough
to step back from the drama
as the observer.

Am I courageous enough
to sit in the silence
no longer compelled to fill it.

Am I courageous enough
to surrender
all that others think I am.

Am I courageous enough
to simply be
true to Who I Am.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Being the Way Shower

I awoke
feeling Free of the old matrix
I awoke
feeling an exuberance of Joy
I awoke
ready to Dance through my day.

And then. . .
the woes of the world hit me in the face

I now have a choice. . .
Do I lower my vibration
to match that of the world?


Do I live a
Free and Joyful life
as a way shower for others?

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Sacred Dream of the Soul

Your soul has a sacred dream
carried in it’s bosom
for eons of time.

This sacred dream
has remained
unbeknownst to you
to safeguard it
until you were ready
and able to sustain it.

You have spent
most of your life
seeking this dream
looking hither and thither
feeling as though
a piece of you is missing.

You have latched onto
religion or spiritual teachings
codependent relationships
family responsibilities
unsatisfying careers
all to no avail.

It’s not until
you put it all aside
the illusive human dreams
that have been handed down
from one generation to the next
that you are finally empty.

It is this emptiness
this hollow place within
that allows the space
for your divine dream
to enter your heart
and reveal itself.

For it’s not until you
soften your heart
lay yourself open
and fully surrender
that you can embody your soul
that you embody the dream.

With the embodiment of your soul
your sacred dream will unfold
and reveal itself to you
beseeching you to join
hand in hand
with the exquisiteness of life.

The time is now. . .
to embody your soul
and allow your sacred dream to lead.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Keeper of Wisdom

You are a Wisdom Keeper
carrying the ancient
knowledge of the stars
deep within you
over eons of time.

Your ancient wisdom
is buried ever so deeply
within your human DNA
through many lifetimes
on planet earth.

Your human DNA and star DNA
are currently being activated

sparked by the rays of the sun
sparked by the crystals of Gaia
sparked by your passion to expand.

’Tis time blessed human
to fully acknowledge
who you truly are
as Star Beings
in physical form.

Here to blend
your human experience
with your ancient wisdom
both equally sacred
in the heart of the Divine.

Here to awaken
all of humanity
to a new way of being
beyond the limitations
of the human mind.

For you are the birthers
of a new reality
exceeding anything
the omniverse
has ever known.

’Tis why you are here
’Tis time blessed human
’Tis time.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“message from my inner wisdom”

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I invite you to freely share my offerings with others.
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Star Families

Your skies are streaming
with what your mind interprets as space ships.

In reality, they are “Soul Groups”,
your Star families,
who are able to come in this closely
because your Love
has raised the vibration high enough
to accommodate them on planet earth.

Go beyond your mind and meet them with open arms,
for they await you with celebration and songs of Joy.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“message from my inner wisdom”

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I invite you to freely share my offerings with others.
Please maintain the integrity by including the author and source website link.

Moon Magick

Moon Magick
I open to you
fully receiving
your blessings.

Moon Magick
singing your songs
of nurturing lullabies
with harmonies sublime.

Moon Magick
guiding my dreams
initiating imagination
beyond my mind.

Moon Magick
streaming divine light
filling the chalice
of my empty womb.

Moon Magick
sister of my heart
I bow to you
in gratitude.
~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“message from my inner wisdom”

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I invite you to freely share my offerings with others.
Please maintain the integrity by including the author and source website link.

Gift of Surrender

With every expansion of consciousness
we awaken to a new experience of Love
which requires the surrendering
of what we thought to be true

Surrender can be as easy
as taking a breath
surrender can become
a battle ground for the ego

Whereas the ego thinks
surrender is loosing the battle
a giving up of what it thinks
is right and important

The evolved human knows
surrender is the divine grace
that dissolves all barriers
between us and our Divinity

Take a deep breath
Surrender to Love.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Please maintain the integrity by including the author and source website link.