Open to the Divine

we feel pain
out of control
thrust into the unknown
or expanded beyond our comfort levels
our reactive tendency is to contract
into protective mode.

With contraction
we suppress and internalize our feelings
strangling them from love and acceptance
exacerbating the pain.

Whereas opening to the Divine
gives our feelings space to breath
freeing them to
rebalance and resolve.

Change is a natural part of life
accompanied by
continual growth and expansion.

Your Soul is yearning to experience
a more expanded consciousness
Your Soul is asking to
be free and open to
more Love
more Joy
and more Life.

When you trust your Soul
there is nothing to fear.
~ Sharon Lyn Shepard ~
“message from my inner wisdom” 

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Stepping into the Unknown

When everything has been jarred loose
and life no longer makes sense
‘tis because the life
to which you have been clinging
no longer serves you

You feel adrift as your mind flounders
going from one piece to the other
trying to put the old pieces together
a new whole new way
but they no longer fit

the mind finally surrenders to the fatigue
allowing the old pieces to drift away
on the current that jarred them loose

When your mind finally stirs
the landscape it once knew
has been transformed
into a barren wasteland

And yet…
your Soul knows something better awaits . . .

In this moment a new doorway appears
the light from within beckons you
a doorway you were unable to see
while obscured by the old landscape

Your Soul gently takes your hand
and begins walking
toward the unknown
one step at a time

Your mind wants to back track
but your Soul gently urges you forward

With a deep breath
of trepidation
you step through the doorway
into the unknown

With your next breath
everything your heart has always known
everything you’ve been yearning for
is instantaneously revealed

Once you step through
the doorway of the Soul
you realize….
there is nothing but Love.


~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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The Spark of Wonderment

My Soul gleefully thrives
on the ever expanding unknown
always guiding me
to experiences
that feed and nurture my growth
providing all I need
protecting me from harm.

When I fully trust my Soul
a spark of Wonderment
is all it takes
to free my mind
expand my Consciousness
and playfully create
an abundance of new Realities.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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When restlessness niggles
at the edges of my awareness
relentlessly vying for my attention
I have learned
there is no peace of mind
until I acknowledge it
and open my self
to fully embrace
the discomfort.

I am reminded
that I always feel restless
before the boundaries
of my awareness
burst wide open
to carry me into
a higher vibration
and an ever more
expanded consciousness.

So my beloved restless niggles
I embrace you
with a smile of knowing
that enlightenment awaits
and there is more of me
to be realized.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

Image by Jeff Frazier Photography

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My Inner Being

My Inner Being
is always
in the here
and now.

My Inner Being
awaits my attention
waiting for me
to begin
the conversation.

My Inner Being
is fully conscious,
sees all,
hears all,
knows all,
IS all.

When I refocus
my attention
to the here and now,
I expand
into my
Inner Being.

Then I too can
see all
hear all
know all
I am
my Inner Being
All That Is.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Free to BE

Smiling sweetly
breathing deeply
resting luxuriously
divinely orchestrated
to fully sync
with my physicality
free of resistance
free of the mind
free of entanglements
free of bounds
free to BE
All That I Am.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

Artwork by by Nina Ulana

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The Voice Within

The voice within me
from my heart
from my soul
from my cells
louder than
that which is
outside me.

How is it
I’ve allowed
the outer world
to guide my path
for so many years
when it is my inner voice
that carries the essence
and the wisdom
of Who I AM.

How is it
we think
that which
is outside us
rules our lives
when the voice within
has endured
since the beginning of time
and the outer world
continues to collapse upon itself.

How grateful I am
to the voice within
that whispers
from my heart
from my soul
from my cells
and I have
to listen.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Joy is Who I Am

Joy is my natural state of being,
happiness and contentment
barometers of well-being
indicators that I’m aligned
with my true Self.

When my Joy is disrupted,
‘tis a calling forth of expansion
an expansion of my heart
to re-align
with my GodSelf.

I can change
the people, places, or activities
but to no avail
until I open my heart
to more Love.

Joy is Who I Am
in alignment
with my GodSelf
when I’m living my Joy
the world is a glorious place to live.
‘Tis that simple.

excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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The Greatness of Who You Are

The Greatness
of Who You Are
is unfolding
with sheer deLight.

The Greatness
of Who you are BeComing
needs more space
in which to expand.

This is why you have been
It is not that you have
done anything wrong.

It is because you
have done everything SO right
that your Greatness
is celebrating its expansion.

So BeLoved One. . .
toss that which no longer fits the old you
because the New YOU
is unfolding with Shimmering new Light.
~ Sharon Lyn Shepard ~
“message from my inner wisdom”
Sharing is always appreciated
Artwork by Michael Anthony Gonzales