The Spark of Wonderment

My Soul gleefully thrives
on the ever expanding unknown
always guiding me
to experiences
that feed and nurture my growth
providing all I need
protecting me from harm.

When I fully trust my Soul
a spark of Wonderment
is all it takes
to free my mind
expand my Consciousness
and playfully create
an abundance of new Realities.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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When restlessness niggles
at the edges of my awareness
relentlessly vying for my attention
I have learned
there is no peace of mind
until I acknowledge it
and open my self
to fully embrace
the discomfort.

I am reminded
that I always feel restless
before the boundaries
of my awareness
burst wide open
to carry me into
a higher vibration
and an ever more
expanded consciousness.

So my beloved restless niggles
I embrace you
with a smile of knowing
that enlightenment awaits
and there is more of me
to be realized.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

Image by Jeff Frazier Photography

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My Inner Being

My Inner Being
is always
in the here
and now.

My Inner Being
awaits my attention
waiting for me
to begin
the conversation.

My Inner Being
is fully conscious,
sees all,
hears all,
knows all,
IS all.

When I refocus
my attention
to the here and now,
I expand
into my
Inner Being.

Then I too can
see all
hear all
know all
I am
my Inner Being
All That Is.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Free to BE

Smiling sweetly
breathing deeply
resting luxuriously
divinely orchestrated
to fully sync
with my physicality
free of resistance
free of the mind
free of entanglements
free of bounds
free to BE
All That I Am.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

Artwork by by Nina Ulana

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The Voice Within

The voice within me
from my heart
from my soul
from my cells
louder than
that which is
outside me.

How is it
I’ve allowed
the outer world
to guide my path
for so many years
when it is my inner voice
that carries the essence
and the wisdom
of Who I AM.

How is it
we think
that which
is outside us
rules our lives
when the voice within
has endured
since the beginning of time
and the outer world
continues to collapse upon itself.

How grateful I am
to the voice within
that whispers
from my heart
from my soul
from my cells
and I have
to listen.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Joy is Who I Am

Joy is my natural state of being,
happiness and contentment
barometers of well-being
indicators that I’m aligned
with my true Self.

When my Joy is disrupted,
‘tis a calling forth of expansion
an expansion of my heart
to re-align
with my GodSelf.

I can change
the people, places, or activities
but to no avail
until I open my heart
to more Love.

Joy is Who I Am
in alignment
with my GodSelf
when I’m living my Joy
the world is a glorious place to live.
‘Tis that simple.

excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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The Greatness of Who You Are

The Greatness
of Who You Are
is unfolding
with sheer deLight.

The Greatness
of Who you are BeComing
needs more space
in which to expand.

This is why you have been
It is not that you have
done anything wrong.

It is because you
have done everything SO right
that your Greatness
is celebrating its expansion.

So BeLoved One. . .
toss that which no longer fits the old you
because the New YOU
is unfolding with Shimmering new Light.
~ Sharon Lyn Shepard ~
“message from my inner wisdom”
Sharing is always appreciated
Artwork by Michael Anthony Gonzales

Elixirs of Divine Love

As you close your eyes
at the end of the day
take a deep breath
allowing the elixirs of Divine Love
to wash over you
through you
clearing your thoughts
easing your resistance
healing your body.

Before you open your eyes
in the morning
take a deep breath
allowing the elixirs of Divine Love
to fill you
permeating every cell
of your body and mind
to initiate perfect well-being.

Whenever anything
or anyone triggers
your resistance
take a deep breath
allowing the elixirs of Divine Love
to dissolve the discord and
expand your consciousness
to the perfection
of All That Is.

The essence of Life
has never eluded us
the essence of Life
is ever flowing as Divine Love
drink of it
with your breath
your heart and your mind.
Drink freely and live
the infinite fullness of Life.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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The Canvas of your Life

Now that you have emptied yourself
of all that has served you
so well in the past
but has lost its usefulness
in your new energetic
home space.

Now that you no longer
have need of costumes
stage sets and props.
Now that you are comfortable
in your nakedness
ready to begin anew. . .

Allow the canvas of your life
to guide you into
ever more expanded abilities
without relying
on the past.

Allow the canvas of your life
to prosper and thrive
in new and exciting ways
without the need
to fill all the empty spaces.
Allow the canvas of your life
the joyful twists
and turns of surprise
beyond your
current knowingness.

Allow the canvas of your life
to show you where
to place the next stroke
splash a new color
or play a new note.

Allow the canvas of your life
to support your every need
fulfill your every desire
express your childlike whimsy
and dance to your internal song.

Allow the canvas of your life
to be
that it knows
how to be . . .

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

♥ Sharing and gratitude donations are always appreciated ♥
Please maintain the integrity by including the author and source website link.


Dive Into the Depths

always stirs
our unconsciousness
with clear intent.

Amidst the stormy waters,
the surface thrashes about
to clear the old debris
while tranquility
is ever present
in the depths.

Dive deeply BeLoveds,
dive into the depths
of your Heartspace
the innate wisdom
of the storm to do its job.

There is no need
to be thrashed about
when your Heartspace
is always available
as your personal
place of solace.

Dive deeply BeLoveds,
for Serenity
is your sacred gift
from the Divine.
~ Sharon Lyn Shepard ~
“message from my inner wisdom”

Sharing is always appreciated
Artwork: Playmates by Scott Thom