Ode to Winter Solstice

The eve of Winter Solstice
holds a magical air
for ‘tis the longest night,
with the richest fare.

Infused with wisdom,
unseen by most,
garnered by you
by your desire for growth.

In the morn,
the light filters in
and lo and behold
Awareness begins.

But without the darkness,
that rendered you wise,
the dawning light
would have nil to advise.

So sing ye an ode
to the bountiful darkness
for all the wonders
within the primordial womb.

~ Sharon Lyn Shepard ~
” message from my inner wisdom ”

gratitude for the artwork by Amanda Clark


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Perhaps Trust is the only Action Needed

Do you really need
to fight the wrongs of the world?
Or can you simply
create something new and
allow the old to wither away?

Do you really need
to do all the work?
Or can you allow
the Universe to
orchestrate it for you?

Do you really need
to control your world?
Or can you allow
the flow of nature
to shape its course?

What is it you really need?
Perhaps Love
is the answer
to all the questions
you’ve ever asked.
And Trust
is the only action
that needs to be taken.

~ Sharon Lyn Shepard ~
“message from my inner wisdom”

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Laying Down the Sword

I have laid down my sword,
for there are no demons to fight.
My inner demons have been laid to rest
by the Love that has transformed them.

My outer demons were never real,
for they were only illusions of my mind.
They too have been laid to rest
by the Love that has transformed them.

If others chose to wield their s(words),
‘tis their battle not mine
for my world has been
transformed by Love,
into a world of Peace.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“message from my inner wisdom”


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Concealed Compassion

Call upon
the Compassion of the Mother.

Go deeply, deeply into it
and you will find
that it was always
your Compassion
concealed by the heavy laden
experiences of your life.

When exposed
by your desire to Love
your Compassion flows freely
as a welcome comfort
to all who encounter
your Divine presence.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“message from my inner wisdom”


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Expression of the Divine

I Am…
no longer shaped by the external world,
no longer shaped by what others think,
no longer shaped by the need to please,
no longer shaped by my response to you.

I Am…
shaped by the Love that flows from me,
shaped by my Inner Wisdom,
shaped by the desires of my Soul
shaped by the feelings within Me.

I Am…
shaped by my Inner Being,
that knows how precious life is
with symphonies of eternal expansion
as a human expression of the Divine.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“message from my inner wisdom”


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The need for acknowledgment
is one of ego’s entrapments.

The Soul is too enthralled in expanding
to stop and look for acknowledgment.
For the Soul knows its true Self
and has no need for the approval from others.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“Wisdom of the Inner Voice“


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Love of Self

Love of Self
knows no bounds.
It flows
like water
to all the open spaces
awaiting its soft caress.

Love of Self
is a sacred gift
to me
to you
and all that surrounds us.
Let it flow with ease and grace.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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I Am Full


Light as a feather,
… drifting on the breeze.
Luminous as the sun,
… in all its splendor.
Beautiful as a flower,
… unfolding its petals.
Graceful as a dancer,
… each step in harmony.
Joyful as a child,
… in mindless wonder.
Playful as the faeries,
… in whimsical magic.
Peaceful as the Buddha,
… with each and every breath.
Bountiful as a tree,
… its branches heavy with fruit.
Grateful from my heart,
… to be so full.
~ Sharon Lyn Shepard ~
“message from my inner wisdom”


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Heaven on Earth

Heaven on Earth
is here
awaiting your notice.

Seeing with new eyes
by simply 
looking deeper….

Hearing with new ears
by simply
listening deeper…

Feeling anew
by simply
going deeper…

Heaven on Earth
is not out there
in some faraway place.

Heaven on Earth
is here and now
by simply
syncing deeper.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“Wisdom of the Inner Voice“

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I invite you to freely share my offerings with others.
Please maintain the integrity by including the author and source website link.

Seeking Joy

Seeking the big explosions of joy
is an ego-based addiction.
When I recognize the simplicity
of being happy and content
no matter where I am
joy effortlessly becomes
my dominant reality
and the rest of the world joins me
in that natural state of being.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“Wisdom of the Inner Voice“


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