Your wings have always been here
safely tucked behind your heart
along with all your dreams
and all your desires
patiently waiting
until you were ready
to go beyond
all that you have been taught
patiently waiting
until you felt safe enough
in the trusting
of your GodSelf
patiently waiting
until you loved and honored
all of who you are
as a sovereign being.
patiently waiting
until you were bold enough
to leave the old world behind
and take the leap.
Where you shall fly and where you shall land
I can not tell you . . .
For each flight
is new unto itself
just as each moment
is new unto itself
just as you
become new unto your self
in each and every moment
once you spread your wings
in All That Is.
~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“message from my inner wisdom”
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