Beauty of Surrender

Surrender is a beautiful thing
to dive deeply
surrendering to oceans of Love.

And yet, the human mind resists
thinking it will loose control
and it does.

When the mind finally surrenders
what it finds beyond the confines of control
is Peace, Love and Joy.

When the human self finally surrenders
it realizes it has surrendered nothing
and gained everything.
~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“message from my inner wisdom”
gratitude to the artist Rassouli

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Our New Way of Being

Today is the Mayan Day out of Time
this is not just a one day event
this is our new way of being
being free of the past and the future
allows us to SEE things
as they really are
in the moment of Now.

In this moment. . .
I am SO grateful, so open, so joyful, so excited
and yet there are tears
for what is being left behind
I don’t choose to hold onto any of it
and yet there is an element of grief
as it all slips away.

As difficult as some of it has been
it has also been a precious part of me
and I know I will never come this way again
so I offer my gratitude to my human self
for having the courage to live fully,
the good and the bad, the light and the darkness,
the laughter and the tears.

I now step fully into All-That-Is
I live as the Love that I Am
I live as the Joy that I Am
I no longer need to work at anything
for I am the flow of Life itself
and if anything feels like work
I shall run as fast as I can
back into the Loving arms
of Who I Know my Self to be.
~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“message from my inner wisdom”
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Dissolving Emotional Discord

Emotions are running high
personally and collectively
exacerbated by the global dramas

This is a sacred time of clearing
as our Soul dissolves the emotional discord
held in our bodies from many lifetimes

If we simply allow our emotions
to surface without engaging
they will dissolve of their own accord
releasing their emotional gravity
without the need to repeat the suffering
and distortions from stories past

Because the only reality
is the here and now.
~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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I awoke
smitten with the Love affair
that’s blossoming with my Self.

Enamored by the Love
that’s always present
ever flowing
never judging.

Infatuated with the Joy
that bubbles up from within
for no reason
other than I exist.

Enchanted by the Magic
that playfully
continues to awaken
new aspects of me.

Besotted with the flow
of everyday life
as I allow it
to have its way with me.

No longer caught up in the old adages
of a human style love affair
addled with requirements
and unrequited expectations.

Back in the arms of the Divine
sweet gentle embraced and content
crazy mad in Love with my Self
smitten in the knowing of Who I Am.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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I AM the Chalice

I sat with Mother Mary
and Love flowed through my being
I sat with Yeshua
and forgiveness flooded my heart
I sat with Buddha
and peace was found in the stillness
I sat with Quan Yin
and compassion enveloped me
I sat with the Ancestors
and clarity ensued
I sat with Merlin
and magic sparkled within me
I sat with the Fae
and joy danced around me.

the Love of Mary
forgiveness of Yeshua
peace of Buddha
compassion of Quan Yin
clarity of my Ancestors
magic of Merlin
and the joy of the Fae.

There is no need
for me to seek for anything
outside of myself
when I remember
I AM the chalice of All-That-Is
and it is in the sharing of Who I AM
that I become a role model for others.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Diet of the Mind

The human mind is hungry for drama
for it makes it feel alive
thus it is constantly
stirring the embers of drama
to feel worthy of itself.

What if you introduce the mind
to a more enticing diet:
a diet of Love
without the need to protect
a diet of Peace
in sync with your Soul
a diet of Harmony
that spurs new creative flow
a diet of Joy
alive with laughter.

Then the mind would feel
tenderly nurtured
deliciously satiated
enthralled with the beauty of life
honored as royalty

And . . .
the incessant hunger for drama
would cease to exist.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Freedom to BE all of Who I AM

When we peel away
all the layers
of our personification
we reach the core
of Who we are
What we are.

At my core
this is Who I AM
this is What I AM.

It is not freedom
from external bindings
that we seek
it is our own
inner freedom
to BE
Who I AM
What I AM.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

Gratitude to the artist Carol Cavalaris.

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Rooted in Grace


I have moved into a new abode
a place of peace and contentment
a place of grace and beauty
a place created by my Soul.

I have moved into a new abode
beyond the linear mind
a place free of confusion
a place where everything flows.

I have moved into a new abode
but my mind continues to grapple
for it has no roots in this new place
this place of Divine Knowing.

Hush sweet child, I whisper
I know you fear your death
but this my BeLoved one
this is your Sacred rebirth.

We have moved into a new abode
where we can live carefree
playing to our hearts content
as creators of a boundless life.

So sing with me a joyous new song
a song that celebrates life
a song of expanded consciousness
a song that’s rooted in Grace.

The Grace of new beginnings
the Grace of a peaceful past
the Grace of future creations
the Grace of All That Is.
~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“message from my inner wisdom”


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I invite you to freely share my offerings with others.
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Your Core of Peace

At the core of your being
you are the Peace
that passeth all understanding

Peace that has nothing to fight
peace that does not need to know
how to attain peace
Peace that simply
knows itself as Peace.

We are in the midst of transition
transition can be fearful
transition can be chaotic
transition can be messy
transition can create turmoil.

Through it all
you have the ability
to be the Peace
that passeth all understanding.

It is from your core of Peace
that new life unfolds
into fields of luminous blossoms
with their innate fragrance of Joy.

You are being called
to be the Peace
that births new fields of Joy
for all of humanity.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“message from my inner wisdom”


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I invite you to freely share my offerings with others.
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New Playgrounds of Consciousness

When we enter new playgrounds
of expanded consciousness
the child within us
runs with wild abandon
into the long awaited wakefulness
with eyes of wonderment
a heart full of joy
and glorious excitement.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @
gratitude to the artist Liza Lambertini

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I invite you to freely share my offerings with others.
Please maintain the integrity by including the author and source website link.