Depth of Listening

The pitter patter of words
at times they are
the expression of who we are
what we are feeling
what we are experiencing.

At other times
they constrict us
from expanding
beyond the mind
where there are no words.

Consider your words
use them wisely
simplify when speaking to those
who do not speak
your spiritual language.

Maintain the silence
when there is more to offer
than mere words
for in the silence
the depth of listening heals all.

The sound of our of words
carry great power
the lack of words
can be equally as powerful.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Grace of the Goddess

Allow the fullness of the moon
to infiltrate every fiber of your being
with the Grace of the Goddess
as she opens hearts and minds
to harvest that which we seeded eons ago
when we first arrived on this planet
knowing duality would take its toll
and. . .
knowing we have been prepared to rise above
knowing we are equipped to go beyond
knowing we have all we need inside of us
to create that which we have always dreamed
to create a splendid New Earth
rooted in the Love of the Goddess.
~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“message from my inner wisdom”

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Freely Flowing Love

Do not allow your human love
to stand in the way
of your Divine Love.

Whereas human love
is riddled with
needless agendas.

Divine Love is
free flowing
with infinite purity.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Vin d’Amour

No one pours new wine into old wineskins
otherwise the wine will burst the skins
and both the wine and the skins will be destroyed

We are here to create new wineskins
as we harvest a new season of grapes
as they mature into their very finest essence

We are here to pour new Vin d’Amour
into the empty chalices of those who come
in askance of the Love we have to offer

WE are the grapes, the wineskins
and the Wine of Love
in service to all by the choices we make.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Center of your Reality

Ripples in the pond always circle
from the center outward

Observing nature we notice
the circles do not create
nor support the center
the center always
creates the circles
that ripple outward

Your consciousness
is the zero point
creating your reality from
the center of your being
allowing the ripples
to circle out into the world

As your reality
ripples outward
it may overlap
with the realities of
family, friends, and community
but your reality always remains
unique and sovereign to you.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

Gratitude to the unknown artist

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Our solar system is a spectacular vortex
with our earth spiraling through space
experiencing new potentials
birthing anew in every moment.

Life is continually evolving
our planet is evolving
humanity is evolving
all in perfect divine design.

Allow this to be your new moment
beyond the illusory constructs of duality
beyond the illusions of the mass collective
beyond the recycling of old beliefs.

Untether yourself from the old repetitive paradigm
open your heart and mind
expand your consciousness
flow with the infinite proliferation of life
to create, to birth, to live life in its fullness.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“message from my inner wisdom”

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Creator of my Life

Early in the morn’
prior to opening my eyes
gently drifting out of dreamtime

I feel into the energies of my day
not anyone else’s day
not my family’s day
not my work day
not society’s day
my day

For I AM the creator of my life
by the choices I make in this moment
before I begin the day

I choose to savor
this delicious moment
savoring all of Who I Am

I choose to snuggle
more deeply in love with
the presence of my soul
I choose peace
from the inside out
for myself and all of humanity

I choose to listen
to all the cells of my body
singing with joyous regeneration

I choose to experience
a playful day of
ease and grace

For I AM the creator of my life
by the choices I make
in this moment
before I open my eyes
before I set foot on the ground
before the rest of the world
rushes in attempting to claim me

No one outside of me
has dominion over me
or how I live my day

For I AM the creator of my life
by the choices I make
in this moment.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“message from my inner wisdom”
gratitude to the artist Richard S. Johnson

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I invite you to freely share my offerings with others.
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Welcome to the Renaissance

Welcome to the Renaissance
the evolution of humanity
the transcendence of duality
the reemergence of the Divine.

In order to transcend duality
we realize everything that presents itself
serves a divine purpose
for our awakening.

old wounds are surfacing
for compassionate healing

ingrained habits questioned
to break out of old molds

antiquated beliefs examined
to create new systems

all stirring up life
as we’ve known it

all for our observation
free of right or wrong

no need to defend
no need to fix anything

This Renaissance is calling forth
loving compassionate hearts 
for all who are in turmoil

the renewal of faith and trust
in the goodness of one another

open minds to the genesis
of new potentials

the honoring of each other’s
sacred individual soul journeys

and most of all. . .
the reawakening
of the Divine in each of us.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“message from my inner wisdom”

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I invite you to freely share my offerings with others.
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gratitude to the artist: Birth of Venus by Botticelli

Tune into the Magick

There is Magick afoot !!!
Take a few moments and feel into the energy…
the Universe is swirling everything
you’ve ever dreamed to you

Are you open to receive it?
Or are you distracted by the incessant chaos
with your mind’s need to know all the answers
with its attempt to control the outcome?

Relax and tune into the Magick
where all the questions
have already been answered
from the eternal benevolence of the Universe.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Beauty and the Beast

Beauty and the Beast
is not a faerie tale
it is the tale
of the healing of duality.

Beauty and the beast live side by side
the beast enticing her to love him
by bestowing upon her all the “things”
most women would desire.

But things do not entice her
it is the beauty of life
that makes her heart sing
as she lives side by side with the beast.

In the end,
it is the magic of her Love
that breaks the spell
and the beast is transformed.

This is the duality
that WE are living right now
beauty living side by side
with the beast of darkness.

Do not judge the beast
for the beast has been bewitched
by the enchantment
of our material world.

In the end,
it is the simplicity of our Love
that will break the spell
and the beast of darkness
shall be transformed.

Be the Love that does not judge
Be the Love that transforms
Be the Love that is creating
the New Earth.

Be Love

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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