Now That I am Empty

Now that I am empty
of that which is not mine
having released all
ancestral ties
society’s rules
religious dogma
mental programing
the need to judge

Now that I am empty
how do I choose to be filled?

Do I choose to be filled?

Or do I choose
to allow All-That-Is
to continually
flow through me
enjoying each
and every moment


~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“Wisdom of the Inner Voice”

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My Own Reality

My current point of consciousness
where I place my attention
is my only reality
everything else is
null and void
in this moment

There is no need
to resurrect the past
to engage
in past suffering
to face old dragons
rewrite the old stories

By being steadfast
in my present
point of consciousness
everything else
fades away

Indeed we see life
through our own filters
but even they dissolve
when we release
judgment of the past
and fear of the future

Indeed we interact
with group consciousness
but it is our own
point of consciousness
that creates
within the group

Therefore, carefully choose
your point of consciousness
be steadfast
in attending to it
and allow everything else
to effortlessly dissolve

THIS is how we create
our own reality.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“Wisdom of the Inner Voice”

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After releasing all
of who I thought myself to be
my persona
my relationships
my job
my home
my lifestyle
my identity
my old existence

I sit here
free of all that was
in the stillness
in the quiet
in what I thought
was a void

the remembrance of
All That I Am
to bubble forth
and create anew

It does not look
like I thought it would
for the mind
has never known
Who I AM

It does not feel
like I thought it would
for my emotions
were never the reality of
Who I AM

So what is my reality
what is this new life?

As soon as I attempt
to answer those questions
I am recreating
as I used to
think myself to be

I allow reality
to reveal itself
in each and every moment
with a new found freedom
without the need
to describe
without the need
to identify

For I know
Who I AM
at the core
of my existence
and that is
eternal freedom.


~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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That which is looking for credence in your life
is actually looking for release
for it is only in setting it all free
that we are able to come fully home
to the place of no-thing-ness
where there is no need for credence.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“Wisdom of the Inner Voice“

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Existence Without Interpretation

Existence without interpretation
allows all the woes of the world
to dissolve into the ethers
without any effort on my part

because these interpretations
conjured by the mind
are a false perception of reality
meant to keep me safe

but the only true safety
lies with my GodSelf
which has no need for
judgment or interpretations

for my GodSelf recognizes
everything as experience
distilled into divine wisdom
free of the mind’s stories
existence without interpretation.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“Wisdom of the Inner Voice“

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Lighten Up

Making a serious commitment
to your Self above all else
is crucial to your Embodied Enlightenment.

being too serious about the process
will entangle you
in the quagmire of the mind
that creates its own chaos.

Once you put a little giggle
in your walk you’ll be surprised
how fun Enlightenment can be!!!
~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“Wisdom of the Inner Voice“

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Magic of Creation

Life itself is pure magic
the sensuality of it
effortlessly drawing me
into its creation
to savor and enjoy
with sheer delight

There is nothing I need do
for my human attempts
are poor imitations
of manipulating energy
in tired old ways
reproducing more
of what already exists

By surrendering
my old ways of creating
I revel in observing
the magic of creation
with new awareness
and new appreciation

The magic of creation
is the joy of expression
with its radiance
effortlessly dancing
throughout all life
continually creating anew.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

Gratitude to the unknown artist

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I invite you to freely share my offerings with others.
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Remaining Open is Enough

We go through our lives living blindly
parroting what others have taught us
until our innate Divinity flips the switch

To see with new eyes, hear with new ears
as a new reality effortlessly
replaces the old with ease and grace.

There’s no need to work so hard at Enlightenment
your willingness to remain fully Open is enough
the GodSelf within you will take care of the rest.


~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“Wisdom of the Inner Voice“

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I invite you to freely share my offerings with others.
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I Am a Sovereign Being

I Am a Sovereign Being.

As a sovereign being
I realize all my needs are met
by the clarity of my consciousness
from the purity of my GodSelf.

I Am no longer hungry
no longer hungry for
love from outside myself
attention from others
nor acknowledgment of success.

I no longer feel the need
to rescue others
to attempt to heal others
to evangelize
or to save the planet.

I recognize that every human
is a Sovereign being.

By honoring
each one’s unique soul path
and empowering their Sovereignty
I grant everyone their freedom
by no longer enabling victimhood.

For my GodSelf sees no victims
nor need for healing or saving
for our Sovereignty calls forth
infinite harmony amidst life’s changes
and all flows with Divine Well-being.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“Wisdom of the Inner Voice“

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I invite you to freely share my offerings with others.
Please maintain the integrity by including the author and source website link.

It Takes an Open Heart

It takes an open heart
to hear what others have to say
when it’s beyond
my present understanding.

It takes an open heart
to hear what others have to say
to grow and expand beyond
the limitations of a closed mind.

It takes an open heart
to hear what others have to say
without judgment and the need
to sway them to my beliefs.

It takes an open heart
to hear what others have to say
from a place of compassion
honoring each unique soul path.

It takes an open heart
to hear what others have to say
to create a thriving community
with the diversity shared by all.

It takes an open heart
to expand our consciousness
personally and collectively
as creators of Heaven on Earth.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“message from my inner wisdom”


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I invite you to freely share my offerings with others.
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