You Hold the Power

If it stirs your fear then leave it
and turn your attention to Love
before you become ensnared
in the illusion of fear.

Fear holds no power
it can only feed upon itself
and when no longer fed
it folds in upon itself and dies.

You are the one
that holds all the power
by proliferating Love
and expanding Consciousness.

You hold the power in your heart
by sharing your Love
with all of humanity
and birthing a reality rooted in Love.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“message from my inner wisdom”
gratitude to the artist Edward Foster

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Your Core of Peace

At the core of your being
you are the Peace
that passeth all understanding

Peace that has nothing to fight
peace that does not need to know
how to attain peace
Peace that simply
knows itself as Peace.

We are in the midst of transition
transition can be fearful
transition can be chaotic
transition can be messy
transition can create turmoil.

Through it all
you have the ability
to be the Peace
that passeth all understanding.

It is from your core of Peace
that new life unfolds
into fields of luminous blossoms
with their innate fragrance of Joy.

You are being called
to be the Peace
that births new fields of Joy
for all of humanity.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“message from my inner wisdom”


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Relax into the Mother


What if . . .
instead of giving birth, we are the ones being birthed.

What if . . .
instead of going through the birthing pains,
we are in the womb floating in the embryonic fluid
being fed and nurtured by the Mother.

What if . . .
the birthing pains have subsided
because we have already given birth
to the new world into which we shall be emerging.

What if . . .
everything we have ever desired
is patiently awaiting our birth
in this new world of infinite miracles.

Would you induce your labor to hurry the process?

Or . . . would you relax into the Mother
allowing yourself to be fed and nurtured
as every cell thrives in this perfect environment
until fully vibrant as your crystalline LightBody?
~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

Gratitude to the unknown artist

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The body has its own barometer
calling us deep into the silence
away from the dramas of life
away from the demands of the world
away from the current patterns of life
to recalibrate and rebalance
with that which we are birthing from within.

Take the time
to nurture the fledgling newness
nurture your growth and expansion,
nurture your personal relationship with your GodSelf,
nurture your relationship with the planet,
nurture your relationship with All-That-Is
and align with the natural flow of Life.
~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

Gratitude to artist Robin Pushay

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Ode to Winter Solstice

The eve of Winter Solstice
holds a magical air
for ‘tis the longest night,
with the richest fare.

Infused with wisdom,
unseen by most,
garnered by you
by your desire for growth.

In the morn,
the light filters in
and lo and behold
Awareness begins.

But without the darkness,
that rendered you wise,
the dawning light
would have nil to advise.

So sing ye an ode
to the bountiful darkness
for all the wonders
within the primordial womb.

~ Sharon Lyn Shepard ~
” message from my inner wisdom ”

gratitude for the artwork by Amanda Clark


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Embrace a New World

Embrace a new world
the one you birthed in your dreams
Create a new life
and let the old one go.

Look around, what do you see?
A world that’s crumbling away
Look around, what do you feel?
A life that makes no sense.

Seasons come, seasons go
the ice melts and petals burst forth.
nature spins, her crystalline web.
then in an instant it disappears.

Paradigms, they shift and change
cycles run their course
time never pauses, it marches forth
but with each era we all evolve.

Let it go, let it fade
that world’s had its glory
create anew, ignite the flame
invite us all to join you
in a new world
the one we birthed in our dreams

Embrace a New World.

Lyrics “Embrace A New World” by Sharon Lyn Shepard

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Reborn by the Sea

Gently she beckons, come unto me
Lovingly she offers, step into the sea
Purify your heart with me, purify you mind,
Float in my ocean, oblivious to time.

Gently she bids me, shed all your tears
Peacefully she offers, give me all your fears.
She wraps her self around me, rocks me to her breast
Floating in her ocean I’m peaceful and at rest.

Gently she whispers, look and see what’s real
Tenderly she offers, you’ve nothing to conceal
She washes away my doubts, Caressing me with love
Floating in her ocean, I’m One with all therof.

Joyfully she laughs, I reflect your child
Gleefully she offers, Let’s dance and be wild
She skims across the waves taking hold of my hand
Dancing in her ocean, I’m free to expand.

Gently she beckoned, come unto me
Lovingly she offered step into the sea
I purified my heart with her and purified my mind.
I floated in her ocean, reborn by the sea.
Reborn by the sea.
Harp lyrics by Sharon Lyn Shepard

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I invite you to freely share my offerings with others.
Please maintain the integrity by including the author and source website link.