New Revelations

Physical discomfort
bursts of muddled emotion
or mental confusion
often precede
new revelations
of expanded consciousness.

As uncomfortable
as these moments may be
the realization of new disclosures
bubbling up from within
disrupting that which
I’ve always thought to be true
allows me to rejoice in these moments
amidst all the discomfort.

For what emerges
on the other side of this vexation
is an increased ease and grace
never before experienced
and a joy that ushers in
new venues of reality.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Meet the new You

The current energies
are spinning our cells
like little mini centrifuges
spinning off the density
purging the dross
activating our latent DNA
and illuminating the core
of Who We Are

Breathe deeply
allowing the body’s
innate wisdom
to find a new balance
from which to expand

Therein you will meet a new You
the YOU who has been hidden within
awaiting this divine moment
the YOU who is now emerging
from a deep sleep
the YOU who is the embodiment
of the Divine

Take a deep breath
and meet
the New YOU.


~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Nature’s Subtle Quietness

There is a subtle quietness
on the eve of the autumn equinox
as nature takes her last inbreathe
inhaling all the abundance
and all the beauty
she has sown forth.

There is a subtle quietness
before she exhales
initiating the changing of the season
with leaves fluttering to the ground
and petals unfurling
for their last hurrah.

There is a subtle quietness
as the days get shorter
and nights get longer
calling us into
an inner embrace of silence
where all things
are quiet and at peace.

There is much to be learned
from nature’s subtle silence
between the in-breathe
and the out-breath
where all things
are transitioning
with ease and grace.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“message from my inner wisdom”
gratitude to the The Whimsical Pixie for the artwork

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Illusion of Life

Our life is an illusion
our Soul set the stage
chose the characters
and scripted the story
long before we incarnated
onto the planet.

We’ve been playing all of our roles
with great gusto ever since!!!

As the stage lights rise
and the light absorbs the illusion
we can see what lies behind
the masks and the props
as our GodSelf
beings shining through.

The question is:
Will you continue playing
your old part simply out of habit?
or. . .
Do you choose to script new ones
as the Brilliant Creator that you are?
~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“message from my inner wisdom”

gratitude to the unknown artist

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Serenity of Source

Life may seem in turmoil
as it shifts and shimmies
continually evolving
from the old into the new.

That which you perceive
as maelstrom in life
is simply the decay of the old
as the new sprouts forth.

At the very core
beneath what you
perceive as chaos
lies the Serenity of Well-being.

For, Source only knows
the perfection of life
the essence of well-being
and the joy of creation.

When we expand our consciousness
beyond our human perspective
experiencing life
as Source experiences life

Herein lies our innate serenity
our sense of well-being
our radiant health
our infinite flow of abundance.

Perceiving as Source
life takes on a whole new hue
free of worry and judgment
filled with joy and delight.

See with the eyes of Source
hear with the ears of Source
feel with the heart of Source
Be Source.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Live your Joy

The easiest way to uplift the world
is to live your Joy!

You may think it sacrilegious
to live your joy
when so many are suffering
but are they benefiting
by your woebegone attitude?

Lift yourself up
allow your light to shine
be the Joy of Life
which is the medicine
being called forth for healing.

Be the Joy
and watch the whole world
transform in the wake of your Joy!!

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @
gratitude to the artist Josephine Wall

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Enjoy the Bounty

Life is always in motion
you can either
put on your dance shoes
and cha~cha with it
or sit out the dance
and enjoy observing
the beauty of it.

One is no more right than the other.

What matters most
is that you are fully present
in the moment
rather than allowing yourself
to be unconsciously
pulled along with the masses
nor the spiritual groups.

Allow yourself to
enjoy the bounty
of this precious moment
for you will never
have the opportunity
to experience it again.


~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Being the Way Shower

I awoke
feeling Free of the old matrix
I awoke
feeling an exuberance of Joy
I awoke
ready to Dance through my day.

And then. . .
the woes of the world hit me in the face

I now have a choice. . .
Do I lower my vibration
to match that of the world?


Do I live a
Free and Joyful life
as a way shower for others?

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Gift of Surrender

With every expansion of consciousness
we awaken to a new experience of Love
which requires the surrendering
of what we thought to be true

Surrender can be as easy
as taking a breath
surrender can become
a battle ground for the ego

Whereas the ego thinks
surrender is loosing the battle
a giving up of what it thinks
is right and important

The evolved human knows
surrender is the divine grace
that dissolves all barriers
between us and our Divinity

Take a deep breath
Surrender to Love.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Disillusion with life
is our awakening
to the awareness
that life as we’ve known it
is no longer our reality.

is the recognition
that it was simply a story
we created to experience life
with all of its aspects.

is our soul’s desire
to distance ourselves
from the illusion
that was never real.

is a gift from our soul
a gift of awakening
to embody the truth
of Who We Are.

Do not allow disillusion
to taint your illustrious life
with old perceptions
that no longer serve
and hold you captive.

Instead . . .
celebrate the dis-illusion
allow the dissonance
to dissolve of its own accord
by celebrating
new perceptions
of a new reality
being gifted to you
by your Soul.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“message from my inner wisdom”

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I invite you to freely share my offerings with others.
Please maintain the integrity by including the author and source website link.
gratitude for the artwork: Mists of Avalon by Dagmar Dags Bernklau