
After releasing all
of who I thought myself to be
my persona
my relationships
my job
my home
my lifestyle
my identity
my old existence

I sit here
free of all that was
in the stillness
in the quiet
in what I thought
was a void

the remembrance of
All That I Am
to bubble forth
and create anew

It does not look
like I thought it would
for the mind
has never known
Who I AM

It does not feel
like I thought it would
for my emotions
were never the reality of
Who I AM

So what is my reality
what is this new life?

As soon as I attempt
to answer those questions
I am recreating
as I used to
think myself to be

I allow reality
to reveal itself
in each and every moment
with a new found freedom
without the need
to describe
without the need
to identify

For I know
Who I AM
at the core
of my existence
and that is
eternal freedom.


~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Purity of the Soul

Our Soul is divinely
pure and pristine
it cannot be harmed
wounded, scared
nor put asunder
nor does it require healing.

There is no dark night
of the soul
there is only the dark night
of the human
when it feels abandoned
and separated from its soul.

Our Soul delights
in preserving the distilled wisdom
from all our experiences
and the remembrance
of our I Am Presence
patiently awaiting our awakening.

’Tis only our human mind
and relationships with others
that create stories of
separation, abandonment
pain and suffering
nary the Soul, nor the I AM.

when feeling abandoned
broken or consumed by illness
sync into
the purity of your Soul
the love of your Soul
the divinity of your Soul
and the presence of the I AM.

Herein you will experience
the innate ease and grace
of healing
via the dissolution
of the human stories and distortions
that have held your Soul at bay
and what a joyous reunion awaits.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Living the Passion of the Soul: Wisdom of the Inner Voice, Vol VI”
available in paperback and ebook @

gratitude to the artist art by Patricia Ariel

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All That I Am

All That I Am
continues to expand
it is not a destination
with an end to the journey
there are no goals
nothing to learn
nothing to attain
for consciousness is infinite
constantly expanding
with each and every experience
in the here and now
where All That I Am resides.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“Wisdom of the Inner Voice“

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Eternity of Love

I etch the words
into the grains
of glistening sand
where the tide
has gone out
with sea gulls
soaring overhead
and nary a human
has walked.

Throughout the day
I feel the essence
of this Love
into the sea
spreading across
the distant shores
and my heart
busts forth
with passion.

There are those
who may think
that Love
is transient
but my heart knows
that Love
is eternal
continually spread
across distant shores
increasing my
own hearts passion.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“Wisdom of the Inner Voice“

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I Am a Sovereign Being

I Am a Sovereign Being.

As a sovereign being
I realize all my needs are met
by the clarity of my consciousness
from the purity of my GodSelf.

I Am no longer hungry
no longer hungry for
love from outside myself
attention from others
nor acknowledgment of success.

I no longer feel the need
to rescue others
to attempt to heal others
to evangelize
or to save the planet.

I recognize that every human
is a Sovereign being.

By honoring
each one’s unique soul path
and empowering their Sovereignty
I grant everyone their freedom
by no longer enabling victimhood.

For my GodSelf sees no victims
nor need for healing or saving
for our Sovereignty calls forth
infinite harmony amidst life’s changes
and all flows with Divine Well-being.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“Wisdom of the Inner Voice“

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Realization of my GodSelf

Deep in the silence
within my being
a spark of light hovers
radiant and bright
elusive yet real
hidden beyond
the veils of my mind.

Deep in the silence
rests a beingness
free of time and space
free of earthly desires
patiently awaiting
the realization
of who I AM.

Deep in the silence
I find you
every time
I surrender
to the silence
of the omnipotence
of all-that-is.

It is here that I find you
deep in the silence
as the GodSelf
that is me.
~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“message from my inner wisdom”


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I invite you to freely share my offerings with others.
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Free of Identity


You have chosen 
your human roles
playing them out
on this illustrious stage of life.

Sometimes you are. . .
husband or wife
political activist
spiritual seeker
or a multitude of many other roles.

It’s important to remember
they are simply roles being played out
until you tire of them
and choose a different role.

It’s not until you
drop all the roleplaying
and be without
the need for an identity
that energy can be in service to you.

Otherwise energy
is being manipulated
by your identity
and the role
you have chosen to play.

It is the non-person
who is without
the need for an identity
that is free to allow all energy
to be in service to you.

And then, voila!
You are FREE
all energy is in service to you
which in turn allows you
to be FREELY in service to others
without any role playing.
~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“message from my inner wisdom”


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I invite you to freely share my offerings with others.
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Allowing the Soul to Lead

Tears of joy flow
with the passion and realization
of living as I have always
intended for this lifetime

It matters not if it is understood by others
it matters not if it is judged by others
it matters not if others are unaware
of who I Am or what I Am doing

For I AM beyond the mind’s capacity
to explain or understand
and it is my Soul
that validates my way of being

It is my Soul that leads the way
enlivened with the joy and contentment
of experiencing life
while in this physical body.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“message from my inner wisdom”

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Your Wings Await You

Your wings have always been here
safely tucked behind your heart
along with all your dreams
and all your desires

patiently waiting
until you were ready
to go beyond
all that you have been taught

patiently waiting
until you felt safe enough
in the trusting
of your GodSelf

patiently waiting
until you loved and honored
all of who you are
as a sovereign being.

patiently waiting
until you were bold enough
to leave the old world behind
and take the leap.

Where you shall fly and where you shall land
I can not tell you . . .

For each flight
is new unto itself
just as each moment
is new unto itself
just as you
become new unto your self
in each and every moment
once you spread your wings
in All That Is.
~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“message from my inner wisdom”

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I invite you to freely share my offerings with others.
Please maintain the integrity by including the author.
