Flow of Grace

All our efforts to heal
have become a consuming
and arduous task

What if . . .
we do not need to heal
because there is nothing to heal

What if . . .
we’re able to experience life
as the Divine does
where all is in perfect order
without judgment
without resistance
without the need to process
without manipulation

What if . . .
we remember that
Well-Being is our birthright
to be fully experienced
as the essence of Love and Joy

What if . . .
we realize that
we are the Divine
and that which we thought
needed healing
is nothing more than
erroneous human thoughts

In doing so. . .
we release all the energy
wrapped up in our efforts to heal
allowing the flow of Grace
to nurture new balance
and vitality to thrive
and create anew with Joy.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

Gratitude to the artist Harsaran Interpolation of the Flower Civilization

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Posted in Allowing, Awakening, Divine Human, Ease and Grace, Enlightenment, Evolution, Expanded Consciousness, Grace, Joy, Realization, Thrive, Transformation, Well-being.

Sharon Lyn Shepard is a modern day mystic and visionary. Her mystical writings and music open our hearts, transcend our minds, expand our consciousness and awaken our innate divinity to enjoy the fullness of life with ease and grace.

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