Universal Language

Universal language is spoken
by the dancing rays of the sun
the soft rustle of the trees
the exuberant songs of the birds
and the splashing of the waves.

It has color, fragrance,
sound and sensuality
all imbued with Love and Joy.

These are the conversations
from which we can
consciously create
our very own paradise
our heaven on earth.
~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“Wisdom of the Inner Voice“


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Expansion of your GodSelf


The purpose of this earth experience
has always been to expand your GodSelf
with the joy of life at the root of your experience.

You are meant to create the reality you choose
rather than scuffling around
in other’s realities that were never yours.

Thus, follow your passion
go wherever your heart calls
and create anew for the pure joy of it.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“Wisdom of the Inner Voice“

gratitude to the artist Karen Tarlton – Guardian Angel of Love


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Sweet Embrace of Home

Rest your weary head
upon a pillow of gladness
for your heart is always
in celebration of
your coming home
to its sweet embrace.
~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“Wisdom of the Inner Voice“
Artwork: Golden Repose by Richard Johnson

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The Doorway to Magick

Deep in the forest
the foot path narrows
until it’s barely seen
just wide enough
for the feet of the Fae
to duck beneath the fronds.

’Tis here the wind ripples
and the babbling spring sings
’tis here the magick abounds
with nary a whisper
the veils draw nigh
protecting the realm of the Fae.

Yet hidden betwixt
the dimensional doorways
there is another entrance
for all those awakened
to the truth of magick
and born of Faerie blood.

’Tis easier than one might think
to slip between the veils
and play in the realm of Fae
all it takes is an open mind
and the remembrance
of childish delight.

The invitation is always open
’tis up to you to accept it
a pot of tea always awaits you
served up in acorn cups
with stardust biscuits on emerald leaves
and a dollop of lavender jam.

Humans have become so overly busy
with nary a thought of the Fae
yet the doorway remains
with the welcome mat rolled out
requesting to lay down our packs
and lighten the load on our mind.

Why would we do that?
you might ask.
The answer is quite simple,
the Fae hold the magick
since the beginning of time
and are elated to share it.

Magick is not lost to us
it’s been held in safekeeping
until humans are ready to wield it
from the depth of our love
and the song in our hearts
as nature’s new creators.

So, listen my friends
to the giggles on the wind
and follow your path of joy
for here you will find
the doorway to magick
and a life of infinite joy.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“Wisdom of the Inner Voice“
gratitude to the artist Josephine Wall


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Whispers of your Heart

Listen, Listen, Oh Listen
Listen to the whispers of your heart
telling you the story of your life
coming into form.

What stories it may tell
of love and joy
yet to be explored
in the gardens
of our long lost fairytales
residing in our hearts.

What songs they may sing
of longings
not to be ignored
along this journey
of heaven on earth
revealing all that’s ours.

Our heart knows
the way to fulfillment
of passions hidden deep
and maps the journey
of life’s greatest joys
with ever flowing ease.

Our hopes and dreams
await patiently
look inside you’ll find
the womb of creation within us
ready to give birth.

Wherever we are
our heart’s there too
so take a breath and see
solutions and answers
to all our woes
as worry fades away.

Our heart heals the wounds
from all the past
bathing us in love
to offer new vision
and clear the path
blessing us with grace.

So open your heart
let your love flow free
out into the world
with open hearts
we can all rejoice
and live our dreams together.

Listen, Listen, Oh Listen
Listen to the whispers of your heart.
~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“Wisdom of the Inner Voice“

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I invite you to freely share my offerings with others.
Please maintain the integrity by including the author and source website link.

Courage to Leave

When you have the courage
to leave behind a world that you love,
know that which you are stepping into
is far superior to what you are leaving behind.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“message from my inner wisdom”

༻Sharing and gratitude donations are always appreciated༺
gratitude to the artist Satoshi Matsuyama


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It Takes an Open Heart

It takes an open heart
to hear what others have to say
when it’s beyond
my present understanding.

It takes an open heart
to hear what others have to say
to grow and expand beyond
the limitations of a closed mind.

It takes an open heart
to hear what others have to say
without judgment and the need
to sway them to my beliefs.

It takes an open heart
to hear what others have to say
from a place of compassion
honoring each unique soul path.

It takes an open heart
to hear what others have to say
to create a thriving community
with the diversity shared by all.

It takes an open heart
to expand our consciousness
personally and collectively
as creators of Heaven on Earth.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“message from my inner wisdom”


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I invite you to freely share my offerings with others.
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Realization of my GodSelf

Deep in the silence
within my being
a spark of light hovers
radiant and bright
elusive yet real
hidden beyond
the veils of my mind.

Deep in the silence
rests a beingness
free of time and space
free of earthly desires
patiently awaiting
the realization
of who I AM.

Deep in the silence
I find you
every time
I surrender
to the silence
of the omnipotence
of all-that-is.

It is here that I find you
deep in the silence
as the GodSelf
that is me.
~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“message from my inner wisdom”


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I invite you to freely share my offerings with others.
Please maintain the integrity by including the author and source website link.

Game of Enlightenment

The human mind can play
the game of enlightenment
but it knows not of enlightenment
for it can only draw upon
the replays of the past.

But the purity of the soul
does not harbor
any shadows of the past
it is always experiencing life
fresh and new.

We can not study enlightenment
we can only experience it
for it is through the soul
we become enlightened
not through the mind.

Enlightenment is not a goal
it is a continual
expansion of consciousness
with infinite potentials
brought into the light.

When we surrender to the soul
we are naturally enlightened
living life fresh and new
in the light of eternal expansion
with effortless Ease and Grace.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“Wisdom of the Inner Voice“

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I invite you to freely share my offerings with others.
Please maintain the integrity by including the author and source website link.

New Awareness

New awareness
is brought to light
when breaking through
the glass ceiling

Don’t allow the mind
to negate 
that which may seem unreal.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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I invite you to freely share my offerings with others.
Please maintain the integrity by including the author and source website link.