Gift of Emptiness

What I once perceived
as loneliness
is the gift of emptiness.

For here, in the emptiness
the mind has gone quiet
free of its machinations.

It is within this emptiness
there are no boundaries
no need for protection.

It is within this emptiness
that I’m finally able to be
intimate with my human self.

It is within this emptiness
that I’m finally able to be
fully present with my GodSelf.

Here in this emptiness
I finally know and realize
All of Who I Am.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“message from my inner wisdom”

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Unconscious Agendas

Until we realize ourselves
as Sovereign Beings
everything we think we’re doing for others
comes with an unconscious agenda.

We are
looking for acceptance
looking for acknowledgment
looking for love
looking for all we need
in exchange for all we give.

Once we realize ourselves
as Sovereign Beings
the agendas dissolve
and all is purely
given and received
by self and others.

Therefore. . .
give first to self
all that you need and desire
only then are you able to give and receive
with a pure and fulfilled heart.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Blank Canvas

Life began as a blank canvas
there is no reality
except that which we make real
via our own consciousness

My reality is my perception of it
experienced through
the filter of my own story

There is no “one” reality
what is real for me
may not be real for you

I create my reality landscape
and you create yours
brought to life by our own
unique “image-in-action”.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

Gratitude for the Photo by Uda Dennie

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Separation Consciousness

Each one of us are
Divinity in human form
beyond the idea of God or Goddess
feminine or masculine
we are All-That-Is

It’s time to go beyond
the limitations
of the mind’s linear concepts
of feminine or masculine
heart or mind
left brain or right brain
right or wrong

It’s time to
experience life
as it presents itself
free of separation
free of judgment

For all of life is interwoven
as a pure expression of the Divine.

Isn’t it time to
fully live our Divinity?

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“message from my inner wisdom” 

gratitude to the artist Adam Scott Miller


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True Relationship

There is no one
that will ever love you
with the ultimate passion
that you can love your self
There is no spouse or friend
that will fill you up
and make you complete

For you are the I AM
the one who has
loved you into being
from your origin
through every lifetime
every experience
and every nuance of life

This is the true relationship
you have been seeking
all of your life

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
gratitude to the artist Art ” Space Of Love” by Joyce Huntington

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If you find peace, love, joy or inspiration here, please consider sharing your Gratitude with a Love Offering to support this page in remaining 100% free for everyone. I thank you for your Soul Embrace and may your kind generosity return to you multiplied many fold! ~DONATE~

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Confusion vs Clarity

I love CLARITY!!

And I also appreciate confusion
for confusion means
I’m sitting on the brink
of an expansion of consciousness.

With every new expansion,
my mind initially foibles around
in a temporary state of confusion
trying to make sense of the new.

But once everything is aligned
a new clarity ensues
a new way of being is revealed
and life becomes more exhilarating.

There is no need to hurry
or push through the confusion
because the more we honor it
the more tidbits of clarity we receive.

And what a JOY that is!!!

When I love the confusion
as much as I love clarity
I experience expansion
within expansion
within expansion.

Thus my consciousness
is in constant expansion
in constant bloom.
~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“message from my inner wisdom”

Gratitude for the Artwork: Forever’s Child by Ekaterina Burmak

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Deep in the Silence

Deep in the Silence…
in the ever-expanding consciousness
allowing feelings to lead the way
beyond the human mind
visions proliferate
dancing with the symphonies of the heart
in multidimensional awareness
timelines merging
clarity, simplicity, purity,
sweet Blissings
in the Knowing of Who I Am
and Who I Am Becoming
for creation is infinite
continually creating anew.
~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“message from my inner wisdom”

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gratitude to the unknown artist

Meet the new You

The current energies
are spinning our cells
like little mini centrifuges
spinning off the density
purging the dross
activating our latent DNA
and illuminating the core
of Who We Are

Breathe deeply
allowing the body’s
innate wisdom
to find a new balance
from which to expand

Therein you will meet a new You
the YOU who has been hidden within
awaiting this divine moment
the YOU who is now emerging
from a deep sleep
the YOU who is the embodiment
of the Divine

Take a deep breath
and meet
the New YOU.


~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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The Freedom of Forgiveness

Forgiveness is the ultimate act of letting go
freeing ourselves from the endless cycles
of judgment, victim-hood, blame, shame, and guilt.

Forgiveness isn’t directed toward another
It’s our own expectations, not someone one else’s,
that set us up for the fall.

Forgiveness is a precious gift to one’s self
because for-giving is the giving forth of Love.
Once we truly love ourselves
all judgment and blame dissolves
and compassion becomes our natural way of life.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“message from my inner wisdom”


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I invite you to freely share my offerings with others.
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Each Moment, it’s own Unique Experience

When you allow
every moment
to be it’s own unique experience
the mind lets go of the past
and opens to infinite potentials.

When you allow
every moment
to be it’s own unique experience
the old stories dissolve
and the heart opens more fully.

When you allow
every moment
to be it’s own unique experience
the beauty of life reveals itself
in new and vibrant ways.

When you allow
every moment
to be it’s own unique experience
you are in the flow of grace
with all that Source has to offer.

When you allow
every moment
to be it’s own unique experience
you realize yourself as Divine
at one with All That Is.
~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“message from my inner wisdom”

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I invite you to freely share my offerings with others.
Please maintain the integrity by including the author and source website link.