Birthing a New World

We are birthing a new world!
We are not fighting the hypocrisy.

Allow the old to reveal itself for what it is
a broken system immeshed in the fear of loss.
Allow it to die peacefully
surrounded by our love.

For is that not also what is happening
within each of us?
The death of the old
and the birthing of the new.

Love humanity
Love your humanness
Love where we have come from
and love the new.


~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Magick is Afoot

On All Hallow’s Eve
Magick is afoot
the veils are thin . . .

Go beyond
time and space
to realize your

Connect with
your loved ones
your star family
the angelic realms
who are closer than ever
share the love
and connection of oneness.

Connect with
your super powers
in alignment with Source
your inner knowing
sacred prayer
divine spell casting
with the power of your word.

Connect with
the sentience
of our Earth Mother
the Elementals
animal medicine
tall standing rooted ones
ancient crystalline rock beings.

Connect with
the Fae in their mystical realms
awaiting your acknowledgment
to teach you how to thrive
with the magic of nature
the flow of life
in its magnificent joy.

Connect with
all the energies
that are at your fingertips
awaiting your command
as co-creators
for you are one
with All That Is.

Now that you have made these connections
remain fully conscious
with the magic of life itself
and never wander astray.
~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“message from my inner wisdom”
gratitude to the artist Josephine Wall

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Light of the World

We are the Light of the World
illuminating the darkness
each with our own
divine inner spark
raising awareness
expanding consciousness
that others may see more clearly
all that is Love.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Stripped Down Naked

Stripped down naked
unconsciousness revealed
all that is hidden
seeking sacred release

Anything not based in love
is peeling away
like surface paint
that gave it a fancy patina

That which no longer serves
has lost its ability to sustain
thus we are dying to the old
as the winds of change blow through

Resistance holds no advantage
hanging on with a fingernail grip
can be excruciatingly painful
for death will have its way with you

If instead, one looks deeper
you will find a foundation
that has always been sustainable
a foundation that will never falter

What remains is your purest essence
as the expression of your GodSelf
that is always transitioning
always birthing anew.


~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Remember . . .

There is a sacred space
that holds the answers
to all the mysteries
that have been eluding us

That space is deep within us
just below our deepest breath
just below the surface of the silence
just below the clouds of confusion

That space is the space
that integrates the purity
of the human and the Divine
as our GodSelf

Breath deeply, Beloved
relax into the silence
of your Inner Being
and ask to remember.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“message from my inner wisdom”

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I Am Woman

I Am Woman
I Am the Divine Feminine
I do not do battle as a man does
but do not mistake that as complacency.

My spear
strikes at the heart
not to kill
nor to conquer
but to soften
and dissolve the barriers
that have attempted
to keep love at bay.

I do not carry a shield
for I have nothing to protect
my protection is the fire of love
which will transform
anything you may aim at me
my protection is compassion
which will disarm you
and melt your desire to fight.

I stand in my power
the power to give birth
to that which is born
of our coming together
in divine partnership
in love and harmony
for the co-creation
of eternal life itself.

I Am Woman
I Am the Divine Feminine
I stand strong and powerful
I stand in Love and Compassion.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Fully Available

So many pieces of myself
I have given away
in hopes that others may feel loved
in hopes others may find happiness
in hopes others may feel safe and secure.

In the end, I was left bereft and empty
with nothing of myself remaining,
and yet it has helped them not
for in depending upon me
they too have lost themselves.

And now that I have reclaimed
all of who I Am
as a whole and sovereign being
I am fully available to others
as the example
of a unique expression of the Divine
living life to the fullest
that they too may find it in themselves.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

Gratiitude to the Artist Kris Kamikakushi

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Kaleidoscope Pieces

Re-collecting all of my self
all the kaleidoscope pieces
that have separated off
to experience every possible
nuance of life

Buried deep within
needing to be resurrected
held, nurtured, and loved
after being shattered and bruised
by the throngs of life thrown at it
through duality’s door

Each precious piece
with its vast experience
is being gathered back home
embodied in the womb of the heart
enlivened by the spark of creation
to embrace its divine birthright
held in escrow by our soul

Once again whole and sovereign
sparkling brightly in harmony
with each creative expansion
to birth new realities
with our newfound
joy and freedom.


~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Power of Love

I asked to be shown my gifts
to be shown where my power lies.

With my request
the answer became very clear
My Gift is Love
My Power is Love.

There are many
who say I want love
simultaneously fearing it
afraid to open their hearts
afraid of what love will do to them
afraid of what love will expect of them.

Love expects nothing.

However, Love will change you
it will change how you see yourself
how you see and react to others
it will change how you see the world
how you react to the world.

Love will heal your broken heart
and open you to the infinite flow of pure Love
a Love that flows without bounds
a Love without expectations
a Love with glorious potentials.

I stand here, heart wide open
knowing I AM LOVE
allowing Love to consume me
allowing Love to be All That I Am.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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In Search of Love

How much of my life have I spent
vying for your love?
I changed my appearance
I changed my actions
I even changed how I felt,
always unsure
if you loved me.

But how could you love me
when you didn’t even know me
because I never knew myself
as I shape-shifted
like a crazy chameleon
in response to you
in response to the world around me.

I finally realized
your love was never the issue
for it was my love of self
I was in search of;
and now that I know who I Am
it matters not
if you love me or not.

For I am deeply enthralled
in a joyful passionate love affair
with my Divine Self
who lives within me
who is always here for me
who has always known
all of Who I Am.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“message from my inner wisdom” 

Gratitude to the artist Ruth Furtado

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I invite you to freely share my offerings with others.
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