When we are Still

When we are still
our mind is quieted
all resistance subsides
it is within this stillness
we feel everything
shifting around us
opening super highways
of divine creation

as we sit in the center
in the stillness
as the observer
until the time is right
to take action
and step into
the divine order
of our illustrious creations.
~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“message from my inner wisdom”


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Our One and Only Constant

In times of transition
everything seems chaotic
as the old breaks apart
before the new settles in.

We all crave stability
as our world feels asunder
but grasping the old and familiar
serves us not.

For life is not static
although we’ve attempted
to make it so
and boggled our minds
with the debris of the past.

Stability can only be found
in the one and only constant
of aligning with our GodSelf
while flowing with
eternally expanding consciousness.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“message from my inner wisdom”
gratitude to the unknown artist

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Infinite Flow of Source

As you release
all that no longer serves you,

Do not confuse
your emptiness
with loss
or unworthiness.

Honor your emptiness
without attempting to fill it
with your busyness
food and drink
other people
or additional things.

By remaining empty
you allow the infinite flow
of Source energy
through you
as you.

Thus, you are eternally full.
~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“message from my inner wisdom”

gratitude to the artist Daniel B. Holeman

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Quiet and Inward

Quiet and inward
allowing dreamtime
to clear the way
with ease and grace
preparing for
new exciting adventures
of the multidimensional kind
as our natural way of being.
~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“message from my inner wisdom”

gratitude to the artist Maryam Morrison

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Rose Colored Glasses

Oh how many times
I’ve been called a Pollyanna
or accused of wearing rose-colored glasses
and ‘tis true
I am a Pollyanna
wearing rose-colored glasses

We can’t solve a problem
from the same consciousness it was created,
it takes a Pollyanna
with rose-colored glasses
to see beyond the problem,
to where solutions
always awaits us.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“Wisdom of the Inner Voice“

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I invite you to freely share my offerings with others.
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Courage to Love

It takes far more courage
to love than it does to hate,
far more courage to have compassion
than to inflict harm,
far more courage to see the God in you
no matter what you think of me.

It takes far more courage
for me to step away
from engaging in verbal warfare
once my mind has armed itself
with its incessant words
of mass destruction.

It takes far more courage
to lay down my weapons
of judgment and criticism
and allow my heart to lead
because my heart
sees the God in you.

It takes courage to Love
and courage to embrace with Compassion.
How courageous can you be?

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“message from my inner wisdom”

gratitude to the unknown artist

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Linger Here

Who is it that calls to me
first thing in the morning
before my mind engages
with the light of day?

It is my Inner Being
whispering to me. . .
linger here
a few moments more
linger long enough
to embrace the mind

That we may experience
the day together
rather than tucking me away
beneath your pillow
until you lay down your head
at the end of the day.

Linger here a few moments more
long enough to embrace the mind
in sweet gentle communion
to step into the day together
with the all-knowing
of your Inner Being.

*~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“message from my inner wisdom”


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The Way of Divine Love

When I disengage
from the drama
of the conversations
happening all around me
and quietly remain aligned
within my clear heart-space,
the conversation shifts
to one of Love and Kindness.

There is no effort on my part,
it’s simply the way of Universal Love.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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You Hold the Power

If it stirs your fear then leave it
and turn your attention to Love
before you become ensnared
in the illusion of fear.

Fear holds no power
it can only feed upon itself
and when no longer fed
it folds in upon itself and dies.

You are the one
that holds all the power
by proliferating Love
and expanding Consciousness.

You hold the power in your heart
by sharing your Love
with all of humanity
and birthing a reality rooted in Love.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“message from my inner wisdom”
gratitude to the artist Edward Foster

I invite you to freely share my offerings with others.
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Your Core of Peace

At the core of your being
you are the Peace
that passeth all understanding

Peace that has nothing to fight
peace that does not need to know
how to attain peace
Peace that simply
knows itself as Peace.

We are in the midst of transition
transition can be fearful
transition can be chaotic
transition can be messy
transition can create turmoil.

Through it all
you have the ability
to be the Peace
that passeth all understanding.

It is from your core of Peace
that new life unfolds
into fields of luminous blossoms
with their innate fragrance of Joy.

You are being called
to be the Peace
that births new fields of Joy
for all of humanity.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“message from my inner wisdom”


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I invite you to freely share my offerings with others.
Please maintain the integrity by including the author and source website link.