Simply Allow

Can you feel the alchemy taking place within you?
Galactic Light is pouring down upon us
while the dross bubbles up from ages past
swirling around in the crucible of our hearts
transformed by the Grace of Divine Love.

We have set ourselves up so perfectly
to experience all that life has to offer
the good, the bad, and the ugly
all expanding into more Love and more Joy
than our human minds can fathom.

Be gentle with yourself as the cauldron is swirling
surrender to the bigger picture
that is only now coming into view
surrender to your Divinely guided outcome
with the ease and grace proffered.

Be Gentle
Be Easy
And simply Allow.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
~message from my inner wisdom~


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Find the Joy in Every Moment

Find the Joy in every moment
for that is your indicator
that you are interacting
with life as your GodSelf
open and flowing
with the true abundance of life.

For your GodSelf
does not see any part of life
as a problem,
it recognizes
everything as growth
and expansion.

It is only the human
who pinches off
the abundance of life
with their solidified beliefs
their judgments
and their projections.

Even the difficult parts of life
have a kernel of Joy at their core,
for the difficulties
are the growth markers
directing you to the Joy of
a more expanded Consciousness.

Feel whatever presents itself to you
take a deep conscious breath
connect with that kernel of Joy
and then fly
fly with the Joy of this moment.

Ah yes, now you are aligned
with you as your GodSelf.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

Gratitude to the artist Jody Bergsma

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Living in Eternal Balance

Light and dark
day and night
male and female
equal and in balance
the goddess and the stag
heart to heart
eye to eye
drawing upon
their co-joined wisdom.

Rejoice beloveds
walk barefoot upon the earth
sing to the earth
sing to the skies
sing to the cascading streams
for within your song
nature’s peace and love
weave sacred arms
around your restless heart.

May we all return
to the heart of the Mother
where love and compassion
hold eternal balance
between all the worlds,
seen and unseen,
human and fae,
plant and animal,
all living in peace and harmony.
(published on 9-22-15 eve of the equinox)
~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

Gratitude to the artist Cheryl Yambrach Rose

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Within the Silence

From within the silence
there is a quickening
because nothing
is holding you back

free of thoughts
free of concerns
free of the need to know.

From within the silence
gently seeps
into your beingness

flowing from the void
from which all of life
is birthed.

From within the silence
you are becoming
eternally expanding
in pure consciousness

with the constant
of the womb of Creation.

From within the silence
you shall burst forth
as a new expression
of Who-You-Are

a new spark
of the Universe
in joyous delight.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Woven Together

So many dreams
vivid and lucid
seemingly unrelated
until brought together
into the light of day
with the realization
that everything
presents itself
to expand
our consciousness
and is woven together
with the breath
of our Divinity.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

Gratitude for the artwork: Child of the Universe by Josephine Wall

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I invite you to share my offerings with others.
Please maintain the integrity by including the author and source website link.

A World of Infinite Wonderment

It takes Courage
to break away from the life
we have been taught
will sustain and protect
us from the ills of the world.

It takes Trust
to remember that Source
provides everything we need
everything we desire
without our need to toil and suffer.

It takes the Love
and Honoring of our self
to realize how gifted
and talented we are
as the embodiment of God.

It takes childlike
Excitement and Enthusiasm
to continue to create anew
with the Freedom
of who we are.

Summon the Courage,
Trust the flow of Source,
Honor and Love yourself,
and Play with the Freedom of a child
in a world of Infinite Wonderment.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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The Song Creates Itself

Listening to the gentle wind chimes
expressing their delight
playing with the breeze
as it stirs the music
the music that quietly awaits
this gentle stirring
without the need
to create the wind
or create the sound
simply resting
in the knowing
that the song
creates itself.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Please maintain the integrity by including the author and source website link.

New Suns Rising

You are the new suns rising from the shadows
from within the darkness of the womb
new potentials are now being born
from the seeds that you have planted.

The old world is withering and dying
to the overpowering of mankind
from his ignorance of the natural flow of life
and his separation from the Divine.

Bless you for your perseverance
for shining your light from within
for fostering and nurturing new bountiful growth
and new freedom for all living beings.


~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Cellular Transformation

Cellular transformation is happening at warp speed!!
We do not need to understand how
we are simply feeling it.

Release the old beliefs
allow your mind to catch up
with the evolution of your cells.

Breathe, relax
sink into ease and grace
Allow the process.

Listen as your cells are singing
dancing with excitement…
finally getting to live in JOY!!!

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Please maintain the integrity by including the author and source website link.

A Time of Softening

This is a time of softening
softening the heart to allow Love to flow
softening the mind to connect with Infinite Intelligence
softening the body with the Breath of Life
softening our attitudes with Compassion
softening our vision to attain Clarity
softening our voices with Gentleness
softening our actions with Kindness
softening our way of BEing in the world
softening with the Divine flow of Grace.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Please maintain the integrity by including the author and source website link.