In the Light of your Footsteps

When aligned with our GodSelf
we know everything is always working out for us
in perfect accordance with the divine plan,
there is no need to worry about the world around us
for it too is working out in its own perfection
according to the divine plan.

The purpose of this world
has always been to expand your GodSelf
where love and joy are at the root of life,
and you are meant to create the reality you choose
rather than scuffling around in other’s realities
that were never yours to begin with.

Go where your heart calls,
create anew for the joy it brings
do what your passion is guiding you to do
knowing that you are opening new portals
of Love and Joy for yourself and humanity
and the world will follow in the Light of your footsteps.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Grand Love Affair within Your Body

There is a grand love affair going on within your body,
every cell is in love with every other cell,
nurturing and supporting each other.

There is a grand love affair going on within your body,
as every cell appreciates each and every cell
for its contribution to the whole.

There is a grand love affair going on within your body,
as every cell is regenerating with infinite intelligence
beyond the scope of the human mind.

There is a grand love affair going on within your body,
as every cell is enlivened and thrives with the crystalline light
generated by your GodSelf.

There is a grand love affair going on within your body,
as every cell is transforming from third dimensional matter
into multidimensional matter.

There is a grand love affair going on within your body,
as every cell is aroused and dancing
into a love induced state of ecstasy.

There is a grand love affair going on within your body,
and you have been given an engraved invitation
to love and embrace your body
as the Grand Orgasm of the Divine.
~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

Gratitude to the artist Helen Nelson Reed

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Whispers of your GodSelf

I love you,
your GodSelf whispers,
but I just screwed up again,
your human self answers.

It doesn’t matter,
I love you,
your GodSelf whispers,
but I’m not worthy,
your human self answers.

I doesn’t matter,
I love you,
your GodSelf whispers,
but I know I can do better,
your human self answers.

It doesn’t matter,
I love you,
your GodSelf whispers
and I will continue to tell you so
until you’re able to love yourself
the way I do.

And then my Beloved,
you will realize
that you are God incarnate
and you will whisper,
I love you
to everyone you meet
because you see them
as I see you.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Stand in your Transparency

is at the core of our new earth
as we expand our consciousness
the veils dissolve
exposing the truth

Everything stripped away
no more secrets
no personal stories to protect
no agendas of control
no conspiracies

It is your willingness
to be “personally” transparent
that dissolves the social hierarchy
and puts all
the old games to rest

It is your willingness
to stand naked
that fully opens the hearts
and minds
of one and all

Drawing everyone
and everything you desire
with divine precision
and the organic
flow of abundance.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“Wisdom of the Inner Voice”


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Silence ~ the Space-in-Between

Silence is sacred
as the space-in-between
the space between
the chatter of the mind
the wisdom of the Divine.

Silence is healing
as the space-in-between
the space between
the throbbing chemicals of emotions
the total relaxation of the body.

Silence is evolutionary
as the space-in-between
the space between
the old paradigms
the new.

Silence is creative
as the space-in-between
the space between
your ideas
their manifestation.

Silence is never stagnant
it is the momentary pause
between the in-breath
the out-breath
where all-that-is
patiently awaits
your conscious awareness.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Portal of the Heart

Our heart is a portal
free of time and space
transversing all dimensions
in rhythm with the heartbeat
of the Universe
pulsing with stardust
through every cell of our body
expanding with
each and every breath.

It is my trust in the Divine
that opens
the portal of the heart
to the totality of all
I know my Self to Be.
~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
~message from my inner wisdom~
gratitude for the artwork: Spiritual Rush by Kancano

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Exploring Dreamtime

Floating in a bubble
of my own sovereign energy
exploring dreamtime
in a new expanded reality
enjoying the sights
relaxing into the newness
allowing my Inner Being
to guide the way.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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The body has its own barometer
calling us deep into the silence
away from the dramas of life
away from the demands of the world
away from the current patterns of life
to recalibrate and rebalance
with that which we are birthing from within.

Take the time
to nurture the fledgling newness
nurture your growth and expansion,
nurture your personal relationship with your GodSelf,
nurture your relationship with the planet,
nurture your relationship with All-That-Is
and align with the natural flow of Life.
~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

Gratitude to artist Robin Pushay

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Free of the Need for Protection

The concept of protection
tells us its not safe to be here
on this planet
or in our physical bodies.

The concept of protection
separates us from others and
more importantly
from our own wholeness.

The concept of protection
separates us from Love
and the Joy of living life
to the fullest.

The concept of protection
leaves no room for trust,
trusting others or
trusting our GodSelf.

Isn’t it time we realize
WHO we truly are,
trusting our GodSelf
to navigate a life of Love and Joy
free of the need for protection.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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