I Receive

I receive the first rays of sunlight
dancing upon my face
with its sweet delicious awakening.

I receive the gentle caress
of the breeze upon my skin
as it wanders its way from the sea.

I receive the swell of birdsong
as they welcome the day
enlivening nature’s harmonies.

I receive the serenity
and peace of mind
that lingers from a long restful slumber.

I receive the infinite love
that overflows
from the chalice of my heart.

I receive the joy
that bubbles from within each of my cells
happy to be in physical form.

I receive the playfulness of the faeries
as they scamper about the forest
in childish delight.

I am full
I am overflowing
I am enlivened,
there is no want
there is no need,
there is only gratitude
for the eternal flow
of All That Is.
~ Sharon Lyn Shepard ~
~message from my inner wisdom~
Sharing is always appreciated

Awakening the Human Mind

The human mind
can be a useful tool
it just needs a bit of instruction
after it’s been off on its own
protecting your back
while you were busy sleepwalking.

Now that you’ve awakened
its role needs to change
for it too can be enlightened
beyond ensuring
your physical survival
as it has been want to do.

Perhaps you’d be so kind
as to offer new instruction
to throw all caution to the wind
and trust your Inner Wisdom
before scampering off on tasks
that no longer need doing.

And then I’d give it
my favored instruction
to sniff out all the Magic
and find the long awaited Joy
to ensure a vibrant thriving life.

~ Sharon Lyn Shepard ~
~message from my inner wisdom~
Sharing is always appreciated
Artwork by The Official Josephine Wall

Wellspring of Divine Love

An eternal wellspring of Love
flows through your body
constantly feeding
nurturing and
rejuvenating your cells.

There is no need to suffer
no need to diminish
no need for dis-ease
those are human concepts
created by the mind.

and evolving
are at the root
of our Divine blueprint

For we are all
Beings of the Universe.

Allow your mind to be filled
with the wellspring of Divine Love
overflowing to each and every cell
therein lies your healing
your thriving and your JOY.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Resting in the Peace of the Divine

I awoke this morning
hanging out with God
free of time and space
free of thoughts
free of words
in a sweet vibration of BEing
all that I AM
all that I shall be
all I ever have been.

I take a deep breath and linger
as long as my mind allows
and to my surprise
my mind is here too
resting in the peace
of the Divine
no need for thought
no need for words
simply the bliss of BEing.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

Artwork: ‘Star of Heaven’ by Edward Robert Hughes

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Ode to the Winged Ones

There’s a whir in the air
as hummingbirds whiz by
sprinkling their blessings of Joy
from flower to flower
they pass the day
sipping the delicious nectar
of the Goddess.

Then to my surprise
they divert their path
flying straight for my nose,
then hover aloft eye to eye
with Love and Appreciation
for kindred spirits and beings of Joy
we share this planet with Glee.

On a breeze from the sea
an illustrious dragonfly
sashays into this dance,
with it’s translucent wings
reflecting colors galore
my eyes all glitter
in joyous childlike delight.

The essence of nature
picks up the hummm and adds
her harmonious etudes
from the base of her roots
to the tips of her leaves
she lifts the veils
that no longer elude us.

Ahoy, the dance has fully begun
the hummer, the dragonfly, nature and me
with glissandos floating
from the strings of my harp
in this majestic dance of Love
in eternal Gratitude for this Planet so grande
and her offerings of Beauty and Joy.
~ Sharon Lyn Shepard ~
“message from my inner wisdom”

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Our Innate Sensuality

As our consciousness expands
with worlds within worlds
we are realizing ourselves as
physical beings unaccustomed
to living multidimensionally
and multidimensional beings
unaccustomed to being in physicality

And thus the adventure begins!!!

When Soul embodiment is initiated
we are like newborns
learning how to be in physicality
recognizing ourselves as master creators
blending and harmonizing the two

As embodied Souls living in physicality
we have the holy ability
to experience every nuance of life
with our innate sensuality
becoming more and more sensitive to life
as it presents itself

Allow your sensuality
to ground you in the present moment
allow your sensuality
to act as your point of focus
in a new reality of infinite potentials

Recognize sensuality
as your sacred gift
and receive the pleasure it offers
for you are a Divine Human Being
in an illustrious physical body
walking this planet
as master creators
for the pure purpose of Joy.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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There is only Love

The canyon that looms before you
causes your mind to tremble
afraid to take the leap,
but the closer you approach
the sooner you realize
it is the canyon of Divine Love.

You have feared the abyss
feared the unknown
afraid to take the leap.

Fear not Beloveds!
for by taking the leap
there are only two results.

One is to land on the other side
with your feet firmly
on the ground of Divine Love.
The other is to drop into the abyss
and be fully absorbed
into the Presence of Divine Love.

Thus I ask you,
why not take the Leap
because. . .
There is only Love.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Please maintain the integrity by including the author and source website link.

You are a Master Creator

You have spent lifetimes
creating your own Universe,
via your dreamtime,
your meditations,
your desires,
and your actions
a life that continues to evolve
per your innate instructions.

You innately know how to do this!
How could you not
for you are a Master Creator
who has created worlds
within worlds.

‘Tis time to enjoy
ALL you have created
with the directives
of your Sacred Heart.
‘Tis time to live in Joy!!!

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

♥ Sharing and gratitude donations are always appreciated ♥
Please maintain the integrity by including the author and source website link.

artwork by Kala del Sol

Gratitude for all we’ve been Given

The rivers of expansion
have been running
powerfully fast,
more quickly than
we’ve been able
to fully perceive
sometimes caught
in the turbulence of rip tides
sometimes surfing the waves
sometimes shouting
in jubilant delight.

There comes a time
when we need to
branch off and
find a gentle tributary
allowing our boat to drift
through the tendrils of nature
to soothe and caress
to breathe deeply of the fresh air
run our fingers through the quiet water
and sing sweet lullabies of gratitude
for all we have been given.
~ Sharon Lyn Shepard ~
~message from my inner wisdom~
Sharing is always appreciated

Joy of Life

The current renaissance
is in full swing
initiated by those
whose hearts are bursting
with the innate knowledge
that earth was created
for the Joy of Life.

We have become
the Divine artisans
of that original intention
by expanding consciousness
and dreaming in
a new way of being
in physicality.

Thus, as the old world
is busy sorting itself out
we have risen
to new heights
flying beyond
the old ways
without the need for wings.

Our dreams
are being lifted
by the Power of Love
sustained by
the Power of Love
and created
with the Power of Love.
We know that
Love is all there is….
and therein lies the Joy of Life.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Please maintain the integrity by including the author and source website link.