
We are not shifting
from this dimension
into another

We living ALL dimensions

Each within the symphony
of All-That-Is

Expanding our Consciousness
with each and every experience

All in the here and now.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available for purchase @

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gratitude to the unknown artist


You may not agree with me
because we are all unique
each in our own precious way

However, there is a harmony
and benevolence to be found
by sharing our uniqueness
with an abundance of new realities
awaiting to be discovered

But unless we can share
our personal views with
open-hearted kindness
it is falling on deaf ears.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available for purchase @

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gratitude to the artist Flora Aube

Contrast of Polarity

I have reached
a point in my life
where I realize
the contrast of polarity
is no longer my teacher

The pendulum
no longer swings
between duality’s
judgment of
right or wrong
good or bad
dark or light
male or female

I AM the amalgamation
of All-That-Is
my life is an experience
of infinite potentials

I get to choose
which potentials
I desire to play with
as I create new realities
for a world
we are birthing anew
in each and every moment.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Etudes of Love


Introducing Volume I of Wisdom of the Inner Voice

Etudes of Love

There is a sacred song that has continually drawn me deeper and deeper into my search for love. It is the ultimate love song, the song of my soul. “Etudes of Love” is a collection of poems written as Love songs between the soul and the human. They are the intimate songs of our soul calling us into the depths of our heart to commune with our true Beloved. They invite us into our sacred boudoir where the soul sings the wisdom of our inner voice beguiling the harmonic union of the human and the soul with the realization that we are the embodiment of Divine Love.

They are the revelations of the magnificence of Divine Love, a love pure and free of any judgment. A love that flows without the need to control or mitigate. A love that’s at the core of who we are as our GodSelf, as the amalgamation of God and human. This is the true relationship we have been seeking all of our lives.

Chapter Titles
Power of Love
Self Love
The Beloved

May these poems be a Love song to lure the opening of your heart. May they wrap themselves around you like a warm soothing blanket allowing you to feel safe enough to fully open your heart to the soul food and the divine nectar for which the heart hungers. May you experience Love in a way you have never experienced it before as the Love of the Divine.

“Etudes of Love”
available in ebook and paperback


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Holy Trinity

‘Tis the Holy Trinity of our
human, Soul, and IAM
that creates our
sovereign inner portal
allowing us to
expand our consciousness
beyond the mind
to create our own
multitude of realities
in which to live
and play.
~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available for purchase @

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The Spiritual Journey

The spiritual journey
is one of awakening
to the totality
of Who We Are
as Divinely
sovereign beings.

A sovereign being
is no longer embroiled
in the collective consciousness

A sovereign being
is free of the matrix of duality
and the human mind

A sovereign being
is not victim to anything
outside themselves

A sovereign being
faces life’s challenges
with their own inner wisdom

A sovereign being
is continually expanding
one’s own consciousness

Bliss and nirvana
are not the goals
of spiritual awakening
these are human
conceived by the mind

The spiritual journey
has no expectations
has no goals

As a sovereign being
the spiritual journey transforms into
a perpetually expanding
experience of life.


~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available for purchase @

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Through You

It is through You
that the consciousness
of humanity is expanding.

Every time you open your heart
to yourself or another
every time you forgo judgment
every time you say a prayer
every time you smile
you are uplifting all of humanity
and expanding the consciousness.

This is how the planet is evolving
through You.

Your well-BEing becomes
the well-BEing of humanity
one blessed breath at a time.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available for purchase @

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New Unfolding

There is new unfolding
of the petals of your heart
as a sovereign being
free of antiquity
free of ancestral karma
free of prior relationships
free of time and space
free to be
free to expand
free to express
as a newly born
being of Divinity.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“Wisdom of the Inner Voice”

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Wisdom of the Inner Voice, Poetry for Embodied Enlightenment


Introducing the poetry series

Wisdom of the Inner Voice
Poetry for Enlightened Embodiment

“Wisdom of the Inner Voice” poetry takes you on a Soul journey deep into your heart. These poetic words are supportive of expanding consciousness and opening minds to discover your innate passion as we awaken to the realization of the totality of who we are as multidimensional beings creating a whole new paradigm in which to live and thrive.

The “Wisdom of the Inner Voice” is present within each of us. It whispers to us as the soul distills each of our experiences into pure wisdom, free of judgment, timelines, and our human conceived stories. It has become my practice to listen to the Wisdom of the Inner Voice and record these words in the form of poetry. I share these words as a sacred gift of ease and grace during this unprecedented passage of transition as we realize ourselves as Divine Humans. I invite you to allow these words to sink into your heart to awaken and initiate your own soul song as the Wisdom of your Inner Voice.


Etudes of Love
Wisdom of the Inner Voice, Volume I

Realizing our Divinity
Wisdom of the Inner Voice, Volume II

Labyrinth of Enlightenment
Wisdom of the Inner Voice, Volume III

Embodied Transformation
Wisdom of the Inner Voice, Volume IV

Consummating our Sovereignty
Wisdom of the Inner Voice, Volume V

Living the Passion of your Soul
Wisdom of the Inner Voice, Volume VI

Emergence of the Dream
Wisdom of the Inner Voice, Volume VII

Masters of Creation
Wisdom of the Inner Voice, Volume VIII

Lighting the Way
Wisdom of the Inner Voice, Volume IX

These poetry books are best experienced in sequence to enhance your inner journey of Self realization and discover your own unique Inner Voice. Although each book stands alone, reading them sequentially will expand your consciousness by building upon your personal experiences of the prior volumes.


Wisdom of the Inner Voice poetry series

available for purchase in ebook and paperback


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End of the Spiritual Journey

The spiritual journey
has no expectations
has no goals

As a sovereign being
it transforms into
it is an ever expanding
experience of life.


~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
available in paperback and ebook @

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gratitude to the unknown artist